SAISE kindly invites you to join in and work on the scientific and technical committees of the conferences and journals editorial boards. Fellowship in the SAISE scientific and technical committees can open windows of opportunity for your professional growth and development. Through special scientific and technical committees and divisions, and numerous occasions for scientific and technical exchange with colleagues, SAISE gives scientists the power to enhance their knowledge, skills, and professional options.
As a Fellow of SAISE
1. You may propose to organize and chair a new or existing SAISE conference.
2. You will be assigned to be the committee or chair of the relevant SAISE conference.
3. You will be invited to be the reviewer of the relevant SAISE conference.
4. You can register the SAISE conference with a discounted price.
5. You will be invited to deliver a keynote speech at the relevant SAISE conference.
6. You will be invited to join the editorial boards of the SAISE Journals.
7. You may set up a local section/chapter of SAISE in your country.
Requirements for Fellow Nomination
1. Have accomplishments that have contributed importantly to the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology, bringing the realization of significant value to society;
2. Hold SAISE Senior Membership;
3. Title required: Full Professor;
4. Character defined: sincere, responsible, confident, positive attitude towards joining/ assisting with all of SAISE programs/ activities.
5.Dr. Degree with scanned version and Curriculum Vitae are essential to submit.
6. Download the Fellow Application Form, send the form and resume to member@saise.org,
The Fellow Evaluation Process
Fellows will be selected at the Chairs’ Annual Meeting which run at the end of each year from all the candidates, The selected list will be announced at the website respectively around January, the next year.
- 2024 the 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Composite Materials
- 2024 the 7th International Conference on Smart Material Research
- 2024 the 7th International Conference on Smart Materials Applications
- 2024 the 9th International Conference on Composite Materials and Material Engineering
- 2023 the 10th International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering
- 2023 the 12th International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology
- The 3rd International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing
- The 3rd International Conference on Information System and Data Mining
What's new
- CMAME 2024 will be held in Bangkok, Thailand during December 18-20, 2024! We are looking forward to welcoming you in Bangkok!
- We sincerely invite you to participate 2025 the 8th International Conference on Front...
- ICFCM&ICSMR 2024 was successfully held in Singapore during June 14-16, 2024!
- We extend our warm congratulations to the successful convening of the 9th Internation...
- ICCME/ICMDM/ICOAM 2015 was successfully held in Phuket during December 27-28,2015!
- ICOCE/ICNT/ICSCT2015 conferences has been successfully hosted in Dubai, UAE during Oct 17-18, 2015!
- CMECE/ICNMS 2016 will be published in the volume of MATEC Web of Conferences, which...
- ICSMR/ICDCE/ICAAT 2015 conference has been successfully hosted at in Istanbul, Turkey during September 21-22, 2015